About us


We are a group of people in love with Alcalá de Henares, who decided to join together over twenty years ago in order to collaborate in the tourist and cultural life of our city. Since then, we have taken part in the management of different monuments in Alcalá and we have also contributed with our knowledge and passion to create a series of guided tours aiming to make Alcalá known.

At present we manage the guided tours at the Corral de Comedias (a seventeenth century theatre) and at the archaeological sites of the Roman forum of Complutum and the House of Hippolytus. Besides, we hold the concession of the municipal and institutional tours service representing the City Council of Alcalá in visits, which are designed to promote the tourism in Alcalá, and we are also at disposal for the protocol visits, press-trips and fam-trips.

More over, at our shop located at Irlandeses Square, we sell all kind of souvenirs and Alcalá-related books. There we are at your disposal for any question yow may pose.

You can also call us at 91 882 13 54, email us at promotur@alcalaturismo.com or fill out our contact form.

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